what if I were to told you that you are loved
in a mad sort of way that makes no mental sense
but holds you together, stitching broken emotions, a tangible presence that fills your being with visions of the ocean
wide, deep, never unending
what if I told you the entire reason you exist
is to jump into these waters
to find yourself embraced by this warm liquid
what if I said to you that your biggest failures
your deepest regret and guilt
your moments you want to erase
the things done to you
the physical feeling of your heart ripping in half
those words that were said you’ve spent years trying to forget
those dark seconds when you wished you were never born
those are simply tiny shards of rock
tumbled by this oceans waves
becoming grains of sand
disappearing into the grandeur of this sea
what if I were to tell you
you are surrounded by the essence of grace
a sweet smelling mountain air
oxygen, after years of being locked up in
a dark, musty basement
gasping for a breath, longing for escape from a stale reality
what if I were to tell you, instead of searching endlessly for love
you could revel in the truth that you are loved already
what if I told you, all the forgiveness, purpose, pleasure, beauty, passion, life you look for
is as close as the in and out of your chest
this is the air
you can’t escape it, you can only choose to hold your breath
or to breathe
this is the ocean
you can’t contain it, you can only choose to stay on the dry sand
or to jump